DYLAN - Time

Man, you know, I think about time a lot. Time is a kind of song, you know—it’s got its own rhythm, its own melody. It’s like I said once, "time is a jet plane, it moves too fast." And oh, does it move, slip-sliding through our fingers like grains of sand on the beach where the sea meets eternity. But here’s the kicker: each grain counts; each second counts. It’s all piled up like a stack of records, waiting to be played.

Yet, we’re always chasing time, trying to save it, spend it, kill it. It’s a peculiar thing. We're stuck in it, unable to move back, racing against it to make our mark. In the lyrics of "Forever Young," I wished for someone to "stay forever young," but that’s just it—we can’t. We're bound to the wheel of time, rolling from birth to death, with life ticking in between.

I've been around long enough to know that it's not just about the minutes you're breathing; it's about the moments that take your breath away. You might catch a glimpse of something in a song, a moment in a tune that feels like it’s speaking just to you. That’s time folding in on itself, man. It’s when past and present blend, and for a heartbeat, you're timeless.

Thinking about time leads me to think about change. "The times they are a-changin'," I wrote. And they’re always changing, like the weather. We gotta be ready to hoist the sails when the wind picks up and change our course when the sea turns rough. It’s about staying true while everything around you spins.

So, what do we do about this relentless, rolling force? We embrace it. We learn from yesterday, live for today, and hope for tomorrow. We treat our time like a precious melody, letting it flow, letting it teach. Each day, each minute, holds a lesson, if only we listen. It's in the silent moments between the ticks of the clock where we find the wisdom to move forward, to forgive, and to grow.

In essence, time is the tune we play on the record of our lives. And as the needle drops on each day, we dance, we cry, we love, and we sing. We might not get to choose the song, but we sure can dance to the rhythm.


Aktuelle Themen

  1. Freiheit
  2. Zeit
  3. Reisen
  4. Tod
  5. Welt
  6. I want you
  7. Suche nach Freiheit und Wahrheit
  8. Organic Farming
  9. Weltethos
  10. The times they are a-changin'
  11. Diskursethik
  12. Sklavenmoral
  13. Zielethik
  14. Krieg in der Ukraine
  15. Klimawandel
  16. Umgang mit Armut
  17. Interreligiöser Dialog
  18. Technologischer Fortschritt
  19. Bildung und Wissen
  20. Geschlechtergleichheit
  21. Flüchtlingskrisen
  22. Menschenrechte
  23. Korruption und Gerechtigkeit
  24. Mentale Gesundheit
  25. Friedensförderung
  26. Digitale Ethik
  27. Nachhaltige Entwicklung
  28. Globale Gesundheitspolitik
  29. Künstliche Intelligenz
  30. Rassismus und soziale Gerechtigkeit
  31. Wirtschaftliche Ungleichheit
  32. Tierrechte und Ethik
  33. Energiepolitik
  34. Urbanisierung und Stadtentwicklung
  35. Kulturelle Vielfalt
  36. Datenschutz und Privatsphäre
  37. Nachbarschaftspolitik
  38. Konsumverhalten und Nachhaltigkeit
  39. Generationenkonflikte
  40. Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung
  41. Zukunft der Arbeit
  42. Umweltethik
  43. Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung
  44. Soziale Medien und Gesellschaft
  45. Globale Ernährungssicherheit
  46. Kulturelles Erbe und Bewahrung
  47. Konfliktlösung und Mediation
  48. Globaler Handel und Wirtschaftsethik
  49. Psychologische Resilienz
  50. Friedliche Nutzung des Weltraums


  1. Time



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