Goin' Down - The Monkees

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Goin' Down - The Monkees


Goin' Down is a song by The Monkees, a band that gained immense popularity in the 1960s. This track, often overshadowed by their more famous hits, offers a unique blend of jazz, pop, and rock elements. Its fast-paced, tongue-twisting lyrics and distinctive musical arrangement make it a standout in The Monkees' discography.


Goin' Down was released in 1967 as the B-side to the single "Daydream Believer," one of The Monkees' most popular songs. Despite its B-side status, "Goin' Down" showcases the band's musical versatility and ability to experiment with different genres. The song features rapid-fire lyrics, delivered in a style reminiscent of scat singing, against a backdrop of a vibrant brass section and a strong rhythm section.

Composition and Lyrics

The song was a collaborative effort, credited to all four members of The Monkees (Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, Peter Tork, and Davy Jones) along with Diane Hildebrand. The lyrics describe a man's despair after a breakup, using the metaphor of drowning to convey his feelings. However, the upbeat tempo and energetic arrangement create a contrast to the somber theme.

Musical Style and Influences

"Goin' Down" draws heavily from jazz and blues, with a touch of psychedelic rock, a style that was becoming increasingly popular at the time. The Monkees were known for their ability to blend different musical styles, and this song is a prime example of their eclectic approach.

The Monkees

The Monkees were an American rock and pop band, formed in Los Angeles in 1966. They were initially created for a television show of the same name, which was designed to capitalize on the popularity of The Beatles. The band members were selected through auditions, and their early music was crafted by a team of professional songwriters and producers. Over time, The Monkees evolved into a genuinely collaborative group, gaining control over their music and songwriting.

Reception and Legacy

While "Goin' Down" was not a chart-topping hit like some of The Monkees' other songs, it has gained recognition over the years for its unique style and impressive vocal performance. It remains a favorite among fans and a testament to the band's musical range.

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Interactive Tasks

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Goin' Down" released? (1967) (!1966) (!1968) (!1969)

Which song was "Goin' Down" the B-side to? ("Daydream Believer") (!"I'm a Believer") (!"Last Train to Clarksville") (!"Pleasant Valley Sunday")

Who were credited as the writers of "Goin' Down"? (Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, Peter Tork, Davy Jones, and Diane Hildebrand) (!Micky Dolenz and Michael Nesmith) (!Davy Jones and Peter Tork) (!Neil Diamond)

What musical styles does "Goin' Down" primarily incorporate? (Jazz and blues) (!Country and western) (!Folk and rock) (!Classical and opera)

What is the main theme of the lyrics in "Goin' Down"? (A man's despair after a breakup) (!A joyful road trip) (!The experience of fame) (!A celebration of summer)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

In what year was The Monkees band formed? (1966) (!1965) (!1967) (!1964)

For what purpose was The Monkees band originally formed? (For a television show) (!As a Beatles tribute band) (!For a movie soundtrack) (!As a college band project)

Which member of The Monkees was known for his scat-style singing in "Goin' Down"? (Micky Dolenz) (!Michael Nesmith) (!Peter Tork) (!Davy Jones)

How did The Monkees initially gain control over their music and songwriting? (Over time, evolving into a genuinely collaborative group) (!They always had control from the beginning) (!Through a legal battle) (!By hiring new management)

Which of these songs is also a hit by The Monkees? ("I'm a Believer") (!"Hey Jude") (!"Stairway to Heaven") (!"Bohemian Rhapsody")

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What metaphor is used in the lyrics of "Goin' Down" to convey the protagonist's feelings? (Drowning) (!Flying) (!Running) (!Dreaming)

The lyrics of "Goin' Down" describe the protagonist's feelings after what event? (A breakup) (!A party) (!A journey) (!A concert)

How do the lyrics of "Goin' Down" contrast with its music? (The lyrics are somber, but the music is upbeat) (!The lyrics and music are both somber) (!The lyrics are joyful, but the music is somber) (!The lyrics and music are both upbeat)

In "Goin' Down," the lyrics are delivered in a style similar to what? (Scat singing) (!Opera singing) (!Rap) (!Yodeling)

Which theme is not present in "Goin' Down"? (A celebration of summer) (!Despair) (!Metaphor of drowning) (!A breakup)


Create a memory game with matching pairs for this topic. Insert suitable texts (at least 5 pairs) using exactly the following format, write only the text and leave no characters out, do not transform anything into a table, etc.

The Monkees Formation Year 1966
"Goin' Down" B-side "Daydream Believer"
"Goin' Down" Release Year 1967
Primary Genres in "Goin' Down" Jazz and Blues
Metaphor Used in "Goin' Down" Drowning

Open Tasks


  1. Research The Monkees: Look up and write a brief summary of The Monkees' television show.
  2. Explore 60s Music: Create a playlist of popular songs from the 1960s, including at least one song by The Monkees.
  3. Design a Cover: Design an album cover for "Goin' Down" reflecting its themes and musical style.


  1. Analyze the Lyrics: Write an analysis of the lyrics of "Goin' Down," focusing on the use of metaphor and storytelling.
  2. Music Genre Comparison: Compare the musical style of "Goin' Down" to another Monkees song and discuss the differences.
  3. Create a Music Video: Develop a concept for a music video for "Goin' Down" that captures the mood of the song.


  1. Write a Parody: Write a parody of "Goin' Down" with new lyrics in a different thematic context.
  2. Musical Analysis: Conduct a detailed musical analysis of "Goin' Down," discussing its composition, arrangement, and vocal style.
  3. Interview Project: Interview people who were teenagers in the 1960s and ask about their memories of The Monkees and their music.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss The Monkees' Impact: Talk about how The Monkees influenced pop culture and music in the 1960s.
  2. Compare and Contrast: Compare "Goin' Down" with a modern song in terms of lyrical content and musical style.
  3. Evolution of Music Genres: Discuss how genres like those in "Goin' Down" have evolved or influenced music today.
  4. The Role of Television in Music: Explore how The Monkees' TV show impacted their musical career and discuss the role of television in promoting music.
  5. Analyzing Music and Emotion: Discuss how "Goin' Down" uses upbeat music to convey somber lyrics and how this contrast affects the listener's experience.

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