The Rolling Stones - Tumbling Dice - 1972

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The Rolling Stones - Tumbling Dice - 1972

The Rolling Stones: Tumbling Dice (1972)

The Rolling Stones are an English rock band formed in London in 1962. One of their iconic songs, "Tumbling Dice," was released in 1972 as a single from their album Exile on Main St.. The song, written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, is known for its bluesy feel and has become one of the band's most famous tracks.

Background and Release

"Tumbling Dice" was recorded in 1971 and released the following year. The recording sessions for Exile on Main St. were famously chaotic, taking place in a villa in the South of France. The song's lyrics, penned by Jagger, are said to be inspired by a conversation he had with the housekeeper at the villa about gambling.

  1. The Rolling Stones
  2. Exile on Main St.
  3. Mick Jagger
  4. Keith Richards

Musical Style and Reception

The song features a distinctive blues-rock sound, characteristic of the Rolling Stones' style during this period. "Tumbling Dice" received critical acclaim upon release and has since been covered by numerous artists. It is often cited as a highlight of the Exile on Main St. album.

  1. Blues Rock
  2. 1970s in Music

Quiz: Questions on the song

What year was "Tumbling Dice" released? (1972) (!1969) (!1975) (!1980)

Which album features "Tumbling Dice"? (Exile on Main St.) (!Sticky Fingers) (!Let It Bleed) (!Beggars Banquet)

Who wrote "Tumbling Dice"? (Mick Jagger and Keith Richards) (!Mick Jagger and Charlie Watts) (!Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood) (!Mick Jagger and Brian Jones)

What musical style is "Tumbling Dice" primarily associated with? (Blues Rock) (!Psychedelic Rock) (!Hard Rock) (!Pop Rock)

Where were the recording sessions for "Tumbling Dice" held? (In a villa in the South of France) (!In a studio in London) (!In a studio in New York) (!In a villa in Italy)

Quiz: Questions on the Performer

In what year was The Rolling Stones band formed? (1962) (!1958) (!1965) (!1970)

Who is the lead singer of The Rolling Stones? (Mick Jagger) (!Keith Richards) (!Ronnie Wood) (!Charlie Watts)

Which member of The Rolling Stones co-wrote "Tumbling Dice" with Mick Jagger? (Keith Richards) (!Charlie Watts) (!Brian Jones) (!Bill Wyman)

What is the genre The Rolling Stones are most associated with? (Rock) (!Jazz) (!Blues) (!Pop)

Apart from "Tumbling Dice," which of the following is a famous song by The Rolling Stones? (Paint It Black) (!Hey Jude) (!Bohemian Rhapsody) (!Stairway to Heaven)

Quiz: Questions on the lyrics

What is a central theme in the lyrics of "Tumbling Dice"? (Gambling) (!Love) (!Travel) (!Politics)

The lyrics "The only love I know is love for sale" are from which song? (Tumbling Dice) (!Angie) (!Sympathy for the Devil) (!Gimme Shelter)

Which phrase is repeatedly used in "Tumbling Dice"? ("Low down women") (!"Jumping Jack") (!"Wild horses") (!"Paint it black")

The line "Call me the tumbling dice" appears in which song? (Tumbling Dice) (!Brown Sugar) (!Start Me Up) (!Honky Tonk Women)

Mick Jagger's conversation with whom inspired the lyrics of "Tumbling Dice"? (The housekeeper at the villa) (!Keith Richards) (!A fan) (!A journalist)


Create a memory game with matching pairs for this topic.

Year of Release 1972
Album Exile on Main St.
Song Theme Gambling
Recording Location South of France
Songwriters Mick Jagger and Keith Richards

Open Tasks


  1. Create a Playlist: Make a playlist of other Rolling Stones songs from the 1970s.
  2. Draw the Album Cover: Create your own interpretation of the Exile on Main St. album cover.


  1. Research the Era: Investigate the music scene of the early 1970s and how The Rolling Stones fit into it.
  2. Lyrics Analysis: Analyze the lyrics of "Tumbling Dice" and discuss its themes and messages.


  1. Compare and Contrast: Compare "Tumbling Dice" to another Rolling Stones song in terms of musical style and lyrical themes.
  2. Historical Context: Research the cultural and historical context surrounding the release of Exile on Main St. and its impact on the album's themes.

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Oral Exam

  1. Discuss the Influence: Discuss how "Tumbling Dice" reflects the musical trends and cultural attitudes of the early 1970s.
  2. Analyze the Band's Evolution: Explore how The Rolling Stones' music style evolved from their formation up to the release of Exile on Main St.
  3. The Rolling Stones' Legacy: Discuss the legacy of The Rolling Stones in rock music and how they influenced other bands.

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